One of my favorite people at my school is Sara Kelly. She is an advanced ELL ELA teacher with 20 years in education. She has a B.M.E. in music education from the University of Kansas and a TESOL certification from Arkansas Tech University. She is a constant source of great ideas and loves data more than any non-math teacher has a right to! I invited her to share her thoughts about literacy in non-ELA classes. I hope you appreciate her perspective on the importance of all teachers teaching reading. How many times have teachers sitting in professional development been told that everyone is a reading teacher? I can vividly remember this phrase being uttered in the early years of my career, one where I was a young choir teacher who thought to herself, I have enough to worry about in my class, now I’m expected to teach reading? However, as I have matured, reflected on my classroom teaching, and, more recently, switched careers to an ELL English teacher, I realize th...